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Some ideas on dealing with ASCII tabs; playing them and writing them in vim.

Play ASCII tab in Sonic PI

Simple little sonic-pi program to read ASCII tab format,
and play it.

I should probably update it to output midi, so I can have ableton render the sound since they
have much better guitar sounds.

guitar_strings = {
  'E': [:E3, :F3, :Fs3, :G3, :Gs3, :A3, :As3, :B3, :C4, :Cs4, :D4, :Ds4, :E4, :F4, :Fs4, :G4, :Gs4, :A4],
  'A': [:A4, :As4, :B4, :C5, :Cs5, :D5, :Ds5, :E5, :F5, :Fs5, :G5, :Gs5, :A5, :As5, :B5, :C6, :Cs6, :D6],
  'D': [:D5, :Ds5, :E5, :F5, :Fs5, :G5, :Gs5, :A5, :As5, :B5, :C6, :Cs6, :D6, :Ds6, :E6, :F6, :Fs6, :G6],
  'G': [:G5, :Gs5, :A5, :As5, :B5, :C6, :Cs6, :D6, :Ds6, :E6, :F6, :Fs6, :G6, :Gs6, :A6, :As6, :B6, :C7],
  'B': [:B5, :C6, :Cs6, :D6, :Ds6, :E6, :F6, :Fs6, :G6, :Gs6, :A6, :As6, :B6, :C7, :Cs7, :D7, :Ds7, :E7],
  'e': [:E6, :F6, :Fs6, :G6, :Gs6, :A6, :As6, :B6, :C7, :Cs7, :D7, :Ds7, :E7, :F7, :Fs7, :G7, :Gs7, :A7]

notes = {}"/Users/mattpoepping/s/cli/licks/","r") do |f|
  while strline = f.gets
    strline = strline.strip()
    notes[ strline[0] ] = strline.split("").drop(2)

use_synth_defaults release: 0.4
use_synth :fm
use_bpm 120

with_fx :hpf, cutoff: 80, res: 0.9, amp: 1.5  do
  with_fx :distortion, distort: 0.8, amp: 0.5, mix: 0.4  do
    for i in 0..notes['e'].length() do
      notes.each do |k,v|
      if ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'].include? notes[k][i] then
        #puts k.to_sym , notes[k][i].to_i, guitar_strings[ k.to_sym ]
        play_note = guitar_strings[ k.to_sym ][ notes[k][i].to_i ]
        puts play_note
        play play_note
        sleep 0.2

Better Tab 2 Note

I figured I could do a little better and use math:

class Tab2note
  def self.getNote (s, fret)
    slist = { :E => ['E', 3],
              :A => ['A', 4],
              :D => ['D', 5],
              :G => ['G', 5],
              :B => ['B', 5],
              :e => ['E', 6]

    notes = ['C','CS','D','DS','E','F','FS','G','GS','A','AS','B']

    start_tone = slist[s][1] 
    inc_key = (notes.index( slist[s][0] ) + fret) / 12
    note = (notes.index( slist[s][0] ) + fret) % 12

    "#{notes[note]}#{(start_tone + inc_key)}"


Editing Guitar Tabs in Vim

I was using Guitar Pro to create licks, but the workflow requires you to
really have a separate file for each lick, or just export them all out.
I'll probably keep using Guitar Pro for some stuff since it is usefull,
but for small daily lick stuff I'm going to just use vim, because it's easy
and can export a single lick.

If i'm really on top of things, I should really write a simple program
to play text tabs from the cli.

Add this to your .vimrc:

:autocmd BufNewFile  *.tab      0r ~/.vim/skeleton/tabs
:autocmd BufNew,BufEnter *.tab set virtualedit=all 
" use R (replace mode) to edit the tabs

and then create the file ~/.vim/skeleton/tabs with this content:


Now instead of going into insert mode with i go into replace mode with R
and make your edits

  • by default vim doesn't allow you to move into locations that don't have
    characters or spaces in them already, but virtualedit=all changes that
    so you can navigate anywhere on the screen and put in text if you want.
  • the above config only activates if the files ends in .tab

ascii guitar music sonicpi vim 2023-01-11 #
